Monday, 29 April 2013

End of Month Update: April

Well, it finally happened. I failed. For two weeks, I have failed to update on Monday. I guess that means I should stop trying and throw in the towel altogether, right?

Failure is a hard thing to deal with, but much harder is picking up and carrying on when you’ve become discouraged. Even something which may seem small to others may have great psychological effects if you let it, and the longer you put it off or avoid it, the worse your discouragement can become. I’ve waited two weeks, and I’m using my monthly update as a jumping off point to carry on.

I could (and will) give you the reasons I found it difficult to update, but if I’d really put my mind and heart into it, I’d have been able to, no matter the opposition. The failure was mine, no excuses.

Now, on to my successes!

I’ve still been slacking on Fitocracy, so if anyone out there wants to motivate me, feel free to give me a poke. I am doing well with my weight however. Even after two weekends of bad food, my weight is back down to 295, and I’m hoping to keep on top of that. The fact that I have been ill over the past week probably had something to do with my weight loss, but I’ll get into that later.

My house is reasonably clean, but in need of work. I’m having my Kitten put together and prioritize a list of home improvements. I have my own list of course, but most of what I want to do requires money which I don’t have at the moment.

Business is looking both more and less feasible. Everything I learn leads me to three more things I need to work toward, and I’m not moving nearly fast enough. I’ve got someone who’s willing to teach me about fire, and that’s exciting. I watched a demonstration with flash cotton which was absolutely stunning. The thing which I need to spend time on at the moment, however, is attitude. I’ve been far too soft on my Kitten, and she’s begun telling me so. I need to work her harder and I have a few ideas of how to accomplish this. Wish me (and her) luck ;)

So that’s my health, my blog, my home, and my business and skills all dealt with tidily. Now I’d like to add a little more information about what’s been going on over the past three weeks.

After my post about birthdays, I got extremely busy. I’ve been letting my responsibilities slide over the last couple of months, due to depression and anxiety. This all came to a head this month as I’ve got to file my taxes. My built up anxiety was still there, however, and it started to direct itself toward my blog. I couldn’t face the prospect of writing for an audience, and I choked. I know it probably seems silly to a non-writer (writers may have a bit more sympathy), but the idea of someone else reading something you’ve written can be a scarey thing on a good day, nevermind when you’re already anxious.

Anyway, I skipped a blog post, felt terrible, and went on with life. The next week was fantastic. On Tuesday I went to a friend’s place for dinner, and then to a Munch, and then to a strip club with a group of sex positive friends and got treated to lap dances all night. It was a great experience. After that, I had to pack and prepare for the convention which another friend had invited me to on the weekend.

UBCon is held at the University of Buffalo every year and Josie, the creator of Angelyque Trinkets, had a table in Artist’s Alley this year. She needed a second person on her table, so she asked me to help out. It was a fantastic experience and I’ll likely be doing it again sometime soon. I would like to think that I helped her sales (which were record breaking!) with my friendly and competent demeanor, and I’ve been told since that I make good eye candy, which I suppose means I’m going to have to believe people who tell me I’m attractive, despite my own opinions on the matter.

Upon returning home of course, I was afflicted with Con Crud, and had to spend some time recuperating in bed. I used that as an excuse to further put off updating my blog, and the guilt started to return. This, added to the fact that the boss was away at my day job and I was primarily in charge, and my Kitten was out of town on her own adventures, all added up to make me a tightly coiled ball of stress. I managed to level out near the end of the week, however, and was quite affable by the time my dad came to stay this past weekend.

I don’t get to see my Dad very often, and neither of us are much for the telephone, so having him come and stay was a rare treat. We went for a long walk, spent some time in the garden, got creative in the kitchen, and shared a few pints.

Three fantastic experiences. The Tuesday outing, the convention, and my father coming to visit. Even with the stress and the sick in the middle I’m feeling much better and, what’s more, rested.

I’ve been looking back over the blog, and recognize something I’ve been avoiding for some time. I started this thing to spark conversation, to voice the unpopular opinion, and, in my own small way, to change the world. I’m not going to accomplish that if I keep shying away from the posts I want to write for fear of what people may think. It’s inexcusable that I’ve gone this long without speaking on the topics of Feminism, Pornography, Marriage, Mass Media, Global American Influence, Internet Stupidity, Intellectual Property, and the like. I’ve got strong opinions, and I’m going to have to start voicing them if I want this to go anywhere. Look forward to it!  ;)

Thanks for reading,


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